
Ai, Intelligent Life, Ufo's And Plants

01 May 2023 - Chicko Brigante

AI, Intelligent Life, UFO’s and Plants

What is intelligent life?

What is intelligent life? Is it us humans? Often it is a yes.

Will AI become more intelligent than us? Well, that is a matter of what your view of intelligence is…

Some may view it as being able to answer any question, and that would be pretty smart. But you must ask, where is it getting its information from?

Some believe it will be able to answer questions like, what is on the other side of a black hole? That would be great but our only evidence of black holes is based on theories and technology that we built that gives us answers that only our brains can comprehend. And this is the problem. Our tools only really mean anything to us; the builders of these tools on the confines of planet Earth.

Other Lifeforms

There are other lifeforms that exist on this planet to which anything we believe to be ‘useful information’ means absolutely nothing. Are these other species less intelligent?

We build technology that can predict weather but you only have to watch how animals already seem to know when a storm is blowing in, without a weather report!

Plants too will sense changes in the atmosphere.

This is intelligent life. Just because they don’t speak, doesn’t mean they don’t know. They have different ways of knowing and communicating that we don’t properly understand and neither do our AI machines. That is not to say that we couldn’t learn to. Or should I maybe say, re-learn to.


So where do UFO’s come into all this. Well, I recently watched the Why Files episode about Crop Circles and was quite intrigued by the idea of little orbs coming down to leave messages in the crops for mankind, and it got me thinking.

Let’s just say this does actually happen. I’ve not witnessed it myself and many do believe this to be the case so let’s go with it. Also consider other UFO visitations and sightings throughout the last 70 years and ask, why would they come here and what are they doing? But before you begin to answer this question, think about how some insects pollinate and/or look after plants. Now consider that plants have been around longer than most other life forms on this planet. And also consider how Earth is the only place we know of that they, like us, can survive. Plants are real survivors. They lure insects to interact with them. They can live in some of the harshest environments, are very adaptive and have others do their work for them. So I have this idea…

Aliens work for the plants

Plants are really intelligent and might be the reason that they are here on earth. Just imagine on a planet in a galaxy far away the insects evolved into the Roswell archetype of the alien, that we are so familiar with. And they do just one job; protect and spread the seeds of plant and tree life across the universe. Crop circles might just be a message from the aliens to us to say, “hey! there is a better way of doing things you know?”.


You see plant and animal life can do something machines can’t; naturally reproduce and keep themselves alive through that process. And animal life can’t survive without plant life. We need them more than they need us!

Machines need raw materials from the ground. With enough intelligence they will either work out that they need to become biological somehow or that in order to replicate will need to go around the universe mining, and thus destroying everything in their wake. This would probably be all planets with some form of plantlife on them, as these planets are more likely to have the resources the machines will need to refuel and rebuild. They were designed on planet Earth after all.

Maybe though, on a planet in a galaxy far far away, an AI machine worked out that being a plant was a more efficient way to survive and set off across the universe looking for suitable habitation and the UFO’s are here just tending to their needs.